A Resource for Performance Based Management
The Performance Based Management Association (PBMA) is a membership organization and voice for individuals, businesses and sponsors striving to improve performance based management effectiveness. PBMA highlights both service and product delivery environments while focusing on accountability through results, service quality and customer satisfaction.
Our MissionOur mission is to support members’ needs by creating a center of excellence in performance based management practices.
Overarching PrinciplesPBMA exists for the advancement of our members’ interests and the establishment of improved performance based standards, guidelines and operating practices.. The need for a professional association that operates to protect the interests of those working to comply with mandates for performance based management has dramatically risen in the past several years. Federal legislation such as the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), Service Acquisition Reform Act (SARA) and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 have given rise to heightened demands and a greater degree of focused attention on performance based management practices. PBMA assists our members in addressing these challenges while serving as a medium for advocacy and outreach.
Contact InformationFor further information or comment contact PBMA.
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webmaster@PBMA.net with
questions or comments about this web site.